Entgegen der allgemeinen Annahme besteht das Hauptproblem bei der gerechten Verteilung von Gesundheitsleistungen nicht in einem Mangel an Geldmitteln, sondern es fehlt an...
Organisation and Management of Intensive Care
erste Auflage
gebunden, 165 mm x 240 mm
412 Seiten
35 S/W Abbildungen, 52 Tabellen
ISBN: 978-3-941468-27-6
erschienen: 04. Oktober 2010
14,95€ [D]
inkl. 7% MwSt.
How can the delivery of intensive care be improved?
This book focuses on the many different aspects around the organization of modern intensive care. Discussions about the concepts of intensive care, its structure and processes are highlighted in more than 40 chapters all written by international experts in intensive care medicine. Some of the topics covered in this book include:
- The role of the ICU in modern hospitals
- ICU and intermediate units
- Medical emergency teams
- Special ICU admission paths
- Designing the “perfect” ICU
- Structure requirements
- Training requirements for physicians and nurses
- The need for “sub-specialized” intensive care units
- Open versus closed units
- Staffing the ICU
- Conflict management
- Use of simulation
- Improving the culture
- The “ICU of tomorrow”
All clinical personnel working in the ICU as well as managers of hospitals should read this book. It will hopefully set the modern “ICU standard” and will thus be a tool in planning for the challenges we all will face treating critically ill patients in the future.
- The role of the ICU in modern hospitals
- The organisation of modern intensive care
- Written by international experts in intensive care medicine
Die Autoren / Herausgeber
Ärzte und Intensivpflegepersonal in Intensivmedizinischen Abteilungen der Anästhesie sowie operativer Fachdisziplinen; Chefärzte; Oberärzte innerhalb der Intensivmedizin
intensive care; ICU; intensive care unit; intermediate care unit; rapid response system; special admission path; critical care pharmacists; organizational outcome; simulation; patient safety; nosocomial infections; adverse events