Das Gesundheitssystem in Deutschland ist durch eine enorme Komplexität gekennzeichnet und für die Mehrzahl der Akteure schwer zu durchschauen. Wirksame Führungs- und Gest...

360° Next Generation Healthcare
1. Auflage
Dateigröße: 16,9 MB
71 S/W Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen
ISBN: 978-3-95466-496-2
erschienen: 17. Februar 2020
14,99€ [D]
inkl. 7% MwSt.
360° Next Generation Healthcare
- over 60 contributions by over 90 experts from the international healthcare market
- frontrunners in development and innovators in the industry present their cutting edge research and ideas
- a collection of the extensive knowledge of contributors to the XPOMET© Medicinale 2019
Aus dem Inhalt
Digital health offers both—a suite of new capabilities and new approaches that unlock health(care) from constraints of time, place, distance and knowledge. It opens up entirely new ways to address and understand people and their health needs. This is how XPOMET© was born, and has been continuously growing as a platform, that is dedicated to innovative trends in medicine and care and at the same time creates a community that promotes cultural change in the healthcare industry.
In 2019, the XPOMET© Medicinale has become an international event to showcase best practice, highlight trends in global healthcare and forecast future developments in health and tech.
The book offers a broad collection of the extensive knowledge of contributors to the XPOMET© Medicinale 2019. International experts share their novel ideas, challenges and achievements in the global healthcare market. The reader is invited to join in the XPOMET© community’s vision and to be inspired by the latest discoveries and technological know-how in healthcare.
Die Autoren / Herausgeber
with contributions byA. Albu-Schäffer | J. Ansorg | T. Bahls | K. Becker | I. Bergen | H.M. von Blanquet | J. Bocas | S. Borsdorf | N. Brasier | K.F. Braun | C. Bug | I. Cinelli | F. de Castro Soeiro | B. de Francesca | F. De Ieso | C. Dickenscheid | P. Drauschke | S. Drauschke | J. Eckstein J.P. Ehlers | A. Ekkernkamp | M. Eusterholz | P. Gausmann | M. Gennat | M. Grinberg D. Grishin | N. Hachach-Haram | V. Hancox | S. Heinemann | T. Heiß | M. Henningsen | L. Henrich | J. Hofferbert | M. Hofmann | I. Horak | A. Jonietz | M.A. Katterbach | S. Kernebeck | G.H. Kiss | J. Klodmann | C. Kobza | S. Kopp | M. Krauß | A. Krzeminska S. Kudick | A. Kulin | S. Lachmann | T. Langø | L. Lee | C. Liu | M. Livne | F. Manstad-Hulaas | S. Märke | D. Matusiewicz | P.-M. Meier | P. Merke | L. Middendorf | S.D. Moré | P. Mukharya | M. Mutke | H.O. Myhre | J. Natzel | R. Pasel | R. Patnala | D. Pförringer U.H. Pieper | J. Pikani | K. Pilgrim | M. Prilla | I. Rascher | H. Recken | K. Ritter | O. Rong | J. Saget | Y. Sakaki | C. Sander | E. Scheuer | C. Schlenk | H. Schönewolf | J. Schumann | A. Schwier | J. Sebhatu | M. Shah | J.G. Skogås | A. Struchholz | K. von Thurn und Taxis | D. Tzalis | R. Unterhinninghofen | C. Vetterli | M. Vurucu | D.J. Walker | M. Ward | J.A. Werner | A.M. Wilcke | J. Witt | N.F. Wittig | T. Wüstner | O. Zakrzewski
Big Data; Artificial Intelligence; Health care; Festival of Medicine; Smart Diagnostics; nextgen healthcare; next gen healthcare