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The Better Hospital
Excellence Through Leadership And Innovation
1. Auflage
Dateigröße: 7,4 MB
77 farbige Abbildungen, 2 Tabellen
ISBN: 978-3-95466-608-9
erschienen: 07. September 2015
59,99€ [D]
inkl. 7% MwSt.
The patient always comes first: Lean as a management method for hospitals
- New: implement the successful Lean Hospital strategy in your organization
- Helpful: captivating introduction and clear guidance for the application of Lean principles
- Efficient: consistent patient focus creates higher quality and cost-effectiveness
Aus dem Inhalt
Hospitals which follow a Lean Hospital strategy are more successful: Patients are always put first, and patient experience and patient safety are main objectives. This leads to an increase in motivation and commitment on the part of the employees, as well as an increase in medical quality and cost effectiveness.
Lean Hospital is a philosophy, a proven and comprehensive way of thinking. Those who embrace Lean in a holistic way to operate, advance and lead their organization will be successful. Lean Hospital is new, exciting and fascinating. Lean really works in a hospital context and is thus the prime choice for any hospital that needs to sustain its position in the face of economic pressure and competition.
This book introduces its readers to the world of Lean Hospital, step by step. Easy to read and precise, it shows how to successfully apply and implement the Lean Hospital philosophy.
Die Autoren / Herausgeber
with contributions by: M. Alkalay | Dr. A. Angerer | T. Drews | C. Jäggi | M. Kämpfer | I. Lenherr | J. Valentin | C. Vetterli | D. Walker
Führungskräfte in Medizin, Pflege, Verwaltung in der stationären Krankenversorgung; Krankenhausplaner, Unternehmensberater
Toyota; Lean; Patient Safety; Management System; Seattle Children’s Hospital; Kaizen; cost effectiveness; Management Gemba; RPIW Cycle; Design Thinking; Learning and Development Cycle; Simulation; Virginia Mason Medical Center; Standardization; Patient Board; Muda; Nemawashi Gauge; Last Planner System; Integrated Design Event